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Our Top 5 Recommended Batteries

Our Top 5 Recommended Batteries thumbnail

Sun 12 Jun 2016

Battery safety is very important with all electronic devices and this is no different for e-cigarettes. The news is full of scare stories about e-cigarettes exploding and this is pretty much always down to user error.


We’ve used and researched a lot of batteries here at ELFC, so we decided to make this list of our top 5 18650s. However, bear in mind that all batteries can be dangerous if misused and there are a lot of clones and re-wraps out there.


Note: There are no affiliate links in this article and we are making exactly £0.00 for promoting these products.




LG HG2 Batteries


3000 mah

20 amp

Very long lasting battery. Best used in mech mods with a coil resistance of above 0.3 ohms, or in regulated mods under 100 watts. Many regulated mods capable to doing over 100 watts require batteries with amp limits of 25 or higher.




Samsung 25r

Samsung 25r Batteries


2500 mah

20 amp

Best used in mech mods with a coil resistance of 0.25 or above, or in regulated mods under 100 watts. Very commonly used and highly thought of battery in the vaping community.




Sony VTC5

Sony VTC5 Batteries


2600 mah

20 amp

Another commonly used and trusted vaping battery. Good in mechanical mods with a coil resistance of above 0.25 ohms, or in regulated mods up to 120 watts.




Samsung 30q

Samsung 30q Batteries


3000 mah

15 amps

A very long lasting battery (even longer than LG HG2) in our experience. Good in mech mods with a coil resistance of above 0.5 ohms. This battery is best suited for regulated mods running at under 25 watts.




Sony VTC4

Sony VTC4 Batteries


2100 mah

30 amp

Not the longest lasting battery but definitely worth considering. Good in mech mods with a coil resistance of above 0.2 ohms, and probably the best on this list for the highest powered regulated mods.





If you have any questions about batteries or battery safety, feel free to get in touch at info@eliquidflavourconcentrates.co.uk.

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