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New Year's Resolution Day

New Year's Resolution Day thumbnail

Thu 14 Dec 2017

New Year’s Day is fast approaching folks, and that can only mean two things, hangovers and resolutions. Now is around the time of year much of the nation’s smokers decide January 1st is the day to bin their lighters and give away their remaining cigarettes, never to smoke again.

As we all know, many fail, although in my book there is no failing when you have tried your best. We now have at our disposal the best tools ever in modern e-cigarettes to give ourselves the best chance at kicking the habit. A good tradesman uses good tools, anyone looking to kick smoking in to touch should definitely treat themselves to some good kit. Not only is good kit better than bad kit (naturally), but mentally it may also encourage you to try even harder to quit smoking, having invested more money into a stop smoking product.

Even though, as far as we are aware, the only truly addictive element of smoking is nicotine - an e-cig directly replaces this - stopping by vaping still isn’t easy. There are many things to note for new vapers, not to put them off but to inform so they don’t give up on vaping so soon;

Vaping cough - The likelihood of coughing during the early days of vaping is very high. Even though you are inhaling a gas akin to smoking, the product is different and your body’s natural reaction will be to cough it out. Think back to when you started smoking. The body will soon become accustomed and the coughing will go.

Smoking cough – Ironically, after getting used to the vape, your body will start repairing itself from smoke damage, the lungs and airways may have a lot of gunk to start coughing out!

Cravings will remain for a while, despite getting nicotine from the e-cig – Don’t beat yourself up if you have a smoke. Re-assure yourself that you are getting what your body craves from the e-cig, it really is largely psychological after a few days. However if you need to mix it up a bit, then it isn’t something to get upset about. Remind yourself how many cigarettes you have gone without, and that worst case scenario you have cut down on them. Pat yourself on the back!

The first flavour isn’t the be all and end all – Many instantly start on a tobacco flavour and high nicotine. This in my experience is an absolute no-no. The mind will instantly realise that the juice doesn’t taste like smoking – it tastes like tobacco leaves, at best. High nicotine content burns the throat. Many new vapers have anxiety over not having tobacco, and seek to replace this with using the highest available nicotine concentrates as a form of equilibrium. It doesn’t work. Pick a flavour you like in general, strawberry, blackcurrant, whatever. Buy a few. Depending on the mod you buy should determine the strength of nicotine by and large. A highly recommended stop smoking mod is the Innokin Endura T22, fixed at 14 watts. This relatively low level of power will allow a higher content of nicotine, whilst also potentially reducing coughing, giving piece of mind for those a little fearful of giving up their smokes for a vapouriser. The coils designed for these carry good flavour too it has to be said, and the battery life means even a relatively heavy vaper can get through the day without re-charging. Anyway, back to the point, the first flavour and reaction to the nicotine you have mustn’t put you off. There is a whole world of flavour and nicotine combinations out there, enough on this website alone to serve you for a lifetime!

Patience, patience, patience – Quitting smoking is well regarded as one of the toughest things to do, physically and mentally. Though there is good reason why many manage to do it successfully, and patience is a big part of it. Stay mentally strong, believe in yourself, use the tools at your disposal, don’t be disappointed if you don’t get instant results, but always


persist. Speak to other ex-smokers and longer term vapers for encouragement. You will win!

There is advice and guidance everywhere these days, and millions of vapers in this wonderful community willing to help. Should you wish to seek professional advice, your local NHS body have information on tap, and are publicly promoting the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool. For peace of mind check out - E-Cigarettes Help & Advice

If you are intending on stopping this New Year’s Day then we wish you the best of luck.


Written by ELFC content creator Alex Blatherwick


Further reading: The Benefits of Quitting Smoking


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